Tuesday, September 4, 2007

swoop nation

The Swoop tour stormed campuses last week drawing crowds of back to schoolers. Today we're continuing our Michigan stops at Wayne State University where we'll be at the Gullen Mall Fountain from 11am-2pm. All you Warriors, stop by and check us out.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Michigan here we come!!!!

We headed out of Ohio, leaving everyone with their jaws dropped. The Falcon Swoop Tour brought to three colleges campuses, the award winning 3D high fidelity force feedback controller that wowed people with its amazing technology. The Falcon Swoop Tour is now headed to the Big House. Come by and check out the one of a kind controller guaranteed to blow your mind!! C ya there!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

falcon swoop tour takes flight

The Falcon Swoop Tour will kick-off at Kent State University on August 27th. We'll be rolling across the country for the next 12 weeks with Falcon demos, cool prizes, game contests and great giveaways. The Swoop microsite at www.falconswooptour.com will give you lots of info about where we are and where we're going. We'll be posting pics and videos from events here and on the site, and make regular entires to let virtual Swoopers keep up with the tour.

Our two lime green Scions will be zipping to over 30 cities with two demo tents and our great Swoop crew (pictured above). They have lots of stuff to give away, and are breaking out great Falcon demos so, if we're in your town, come get your hands on one!